LAST Factory STYLAST Stylus Treatment


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1/4 oz. STYLAST Stylus Treatment & In-cap cleaning

Extend the playing life of your stylus with Stylast Stylus
Treatment. Stylast dramatically reduces the friction at the stylus/groove
interface, resulting in:

  • Stylus
    life extension up to 10 times
  • Reduced
    distortion and improved sonic performance
  • Increased
    stylus tracking ability
  • Increased
    stylus suspension life
  • Reduced
    record wear

STYLAST is not a lubricant and leaves no residue. It is
effective throughout the entire play of one side of an LP record. A bottle
typically lasts 3-4 years for most users.

How does it work?

Stylus usefulness and lifetime are determined by two
characteristics: physical wear of the stylus contact faces, and the condition
of the stylus suspension system. Over time, wear of the contact faces becomes
apparent as noise and distortion, and as seen with microscopic examination.
Stylus suspension failure can be of two types: hardening of the elastomeric
components, and collapse of the suspension during use. Stylast addresses both
of these failure types.

Although Stylast is applied to the stylus tip, it
works its way upward along the stylus cantilever towards the suspension.
The suspension has rubber/elastic components, and Stylast absorbs into the
material and prevents it from hardening due to age, exposure to dry air, or use
of harsh cleaners.

To prevent wear to the stylus, Stylast behaves
similar to a gas bearing. As the record plays, Stylast transforms into a gas at
the point of contact, which acts as a lubricant and also dissipates heat.

Additional information

Weight 0.00000000 lbs


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