- Full
range surface-mount loudspeaker for indoor and outdoor installation
- 90
Watts continuous, 360 Watts peak power
- 8″
next generation Dual Concentric driver featuring Omnimagnet technology
- Torus
Ogive waveguide for improved high frequency response and directivity
- Multiple
transformer taps for 70 V and 100 V line systems or 16 Ohm direct input
- Low
insertion loss 60 W line transformer with easily accessible tapping switch
- Optimised
for LAB GRUPPEN low impedance LUCIA amplifiers with up to 8 AMS series
loudspeakers per channel
- All
components weather resistant to IP65 for outdoor use
- High
temperature resistant ABS enclosure rated at 120°C
- Semi
matt black paint finish fits unobtrusively in any environment
- Yoke
bracket included for ease of installation
- Optional
VARIBALL multi-angle bracket with secure clamp mechanism for accurate
audience coverage
- Weatherproof
cable gland cover to protect Phoenix* connectors and tap selector switch
- 10-Year
Warranty Program*
- Designed
and engineered in the U.K.
range surface-mount loudspeaker for indoor and outdoor installation
Watts continuous, 360 Watts peak power
next generation Dual Concentric driver featuring Omnimagnet technology
Ogive waveguide for improved high frequency response and directivity
transformer taps for 70 V and 100 V line systems or 16 Ohm direct input
insertion loss 60 W line transformer with easily accessible tapping switch
for LAB GRUPPEN low impedance LUCIA amplifiers with up to 8 AMS series
loudspeakers per channel
components weather resistant to IP65 for outdoor use
temperature resistant ABS enclosure rated at 120°C
matt black paint finish fits unobtrusively in any environment
bracket included for ease of installation
VARIBALL multi-angle bracket with secure clamp mechanism for accurate
audience coverage
cable gland cover to protect Phoenix* connectors and tap selector switch
Warranty Program*
and engineered in the U.K.
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